December 2022

8 Results


Lung Lung Cancer Surgery The type of surgery for lung cancer depends on the size of the cancer, the position of the cancer in the lung and the type of […]


Oesophagus Oesophagus (Food Pipe) Disorders Oesophageal Cancer Surgery The most common indication for Oesophagectomy is cancer of the oesophagus. Few centers treat as many malignant tumours in Oesophagus as we […]


Pleura Surgery for Pleural Diseases Decortication & Drainage for Tubercular Empyema Empyema thoracis is defined as a collection of pus in the pleural space (space between the lung and its […]


Trachea Tracheal Strictures or Stenosis Tracheal stenosis, including subglottic stenosis, is constriction or narrowing of the trachea. In the majority of cases, it develops when the trachea of a patient […]


Pericardium Pericardial Cysts Pericardial Cysts are benign, rare congenital structural abnormalities of the pericardium that are characterised by asymptomatic incidental findings on Chest Radiography. Pericardial cyst and diverticulum tend to […]


Diaphragm Diaphragmatic Paralysis or palsy – “Plication of diaphragm” Plication of diaphragm is specifically performed in case of paralysis or eventration of diaphragm. Paralysis of diaphragm, by and large, is […]