Lung Lung Cancer Surgery The type of surgery for lung cancer depends on the size of the cancer, the position of the cancer in the lung and the type of […]
Lung Lung Cancer Surgery The type of surgery for lung cancer depends on the size of the cancer, the position of the cancer in the lung and the type of […]
Oesophagus Oesophagus (Food Pipe) Disorders Oesophageal Cancer Surgery The most common indication for Oesophagectomy is cancer of the oesophagus. Few centers treat as many malignant tumours in Oesophagus as we […]
Pleura Surgery for Pleural Diseases Decortication & Drainage for Tubercular Empyema Empyema thoracis is defined as a collection of pus in the pleural space (space between the lung and its […]
Trachea Tracheal Strictures or Stenosis Tracheal stenosis, including subglottic stenosis, is constriction or narrowing of the trachea. In the majority of cases, it develops when the trachea of a patient […]
Mediastinum Mediastinal Tumor – VATS and Open Surgery Mediastinal tumors are essentially a (benign or malignant) growth in the space between the lungs and is the area between the breastbone […]
Chest Walll Chest wall tumors (Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors) The chest wall is defined as the exterior protective structure that surrounds the lungs and is enclosed by the spine. […]
Pericardium Pericardial Cysts Pericardial Cysts are benign, rare congenital structural abnormalities of the pericardium that are characterised by asymptomatic incidental findings on Chest Radiography. Pericardial cyst and diverticulum tend to […]
Diaphragm Diaphragmatic Paralysis or palsy – “Plication of diaphragm” Plication of diaphragm is specifically performed in case of paralysis or eventration of diaphragm. Paralysis of diaphragm, by and large, is […]